Brain-Based Education is the purposeful
engagement of strategies that apply to how our brain works in the context of
education. Brain based learning is considered a comprehensive approach to
instruction. Brain based education offers a biologically driven classroom
structure that corresponds to the functions of the human brain at different
developmental levels. The practice engages the entire body to enhance the
learning process.
Core Principles Of Brain Based Learning:
Caine and Caine (1991) developed
twelve principles that apply what we know about the function of the brain to
teaching and learning.
The principles are:
i. The brain is a parallel
processor, meaning it can perform several activities at once,
like tasting and smelling.
ii. Learning engages the whole
iii. The search for meaning is
iv. The search for meaning comes
through patterning.
v. Emotions are critical to
vi. The brain processes wholes
and parts simultaneously.
vii. Learning involves both
focused attention and peripheral perception.
viii. Learning involves both
conscious and unconscious processes.
ix. We have two types of memory:
spatial and rote.
x. We understand best when facts
are embedded in natural, spatial memory.
xi. Learning is
enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat.
I did many brain based strategies in the school. here are some of it.
1. Brain needs Oxygen
Brain activities are a great way to get students interested in learning. Physical exercise is great for ones body’s health, but it also can help keep the brain active and sharp. Just like our body, our brain also needs sufficient oxygen and exercise does that well.
2. 5-4-3-2-1
This is one of the
great activities which can be used at the start or in between the lesson. This
physical activity specially can be used in last two lectures in the afternoon
where in students get bored and feels lazy.
In this activity
teacher shows 5 different steps for each number. Then teacher calls out number
from 1 to 5 and students have to stand in that particular pose.
3. Draw it
Visual learning is very
important for many children to better picture and to understand concepts. For
students, drawing makes their learning easier, more efficient and more fun.
Drawing help kids visualize their learning.
4. Boggle
Boggle is the classic word
game where you try to find words in a 4x4 or 5x5 grid of letters. Boggle is a
very fun game to play.
1 copy of one of the boggle game pages to each player. Start timing for 2
minutes and players will turn over their page and start looking for words.
Players can write down
words they find in the grid that match the following rules:
- The letters can be made by using any words present in the grid.
- The word doesn't have to appear in a straight line. It can be tangled around.
- Each letter in the word must uniquely appear in the grid. For example, if the word is ERASE, the letter E must appear twice in the grid. The word can't just loop back and re-use the same E.
- Words must be at least 3 letters long
- Words cannot be a proper noun, such as a name or place.
- Less than 3 letters= 0 pts (invalid boggle word)
- 3 letters = 1 pt
- 4 letters = 2 pts
- 5 letters = 3 pts
- 6 letters = 4 pts
- 7 letters = 5 pts
- 8 letters = 6 Pts, and so on….
5. Compare and Contrast
- Teacher gives two concepts to the students.
- Teacher draws two circles crossing each other on the blackboard and asks students to compare the two topics.
- Teacher asks students to think and write the common things in the center of the two circles and other points on either side of the circles.
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